Tuesday 10 December 2013

5 Actionable Guest Blogging Tips and Tricks to Follow In 2014

5 Actionable Guest Blogging Tips and Tricks to Follow In 2014
Guest Blogging – The art of getting your post onto other people’s sites is one of the things that are often mentioned in internet marketing as a way to get more traffic and authority for your site. The traffic arrives if you choose the sites you guest blog on carefully as does the inferred authority. So what can you do maximize the chance of getting your guest post accepted?

1.    Choose potential sites carefully
However you’re choosing potential sites to host your guest post, you need to spend some identifying them.

Take a look around the sites and work out whether there’s any interaction between the sites and its readers. Usually this is by way of comments and you need to check a few pages to see whether or not the comments are helpful and contribute to the post made.

It also helps if the owner and the guest poster answer any question or points raised in the comments.

2.    Lurk for a While
Much the same as you would do in a forum, go back to the site over the next few days and get better taste for it.

This does involve time – there’s no shortcut for that – but can make all the difference between    finding a good sites or not.

Much like you wouldn’t spend time in a forum if you where the only one posting there, the same applies to sites where you are considering submitting a guest post.

3.    Contribute
Once you have got a feel for the site, the next step is to contribute to it.

That means adding your helpful comments to some of the posts.

Keep a note of when you have placed a comments and how long it takes to approve.

Sites that automatically approve comments are unlikely to have the kind of quality control standards that you’re going to need to make it worth your while submitting post.

4.    Check out the Guest Posting Guidelines
Sites that regularly accept guest posts usually have a page that tells you want they expect and how to send in your proposed post.

Some will be happy with just a title and some points of what you’re likely to cover. Other will prefer the complete article. It varies (remember, there are humans involved in this!)

Once you have read the guidelines, you have ready to submit either the full article or an outline. Which leads us on the final step:

5.    Write your guest post
This is maybe the easiest part of the process, assuming that you are already happy writing posts for your own sites and article sites or that you have created guest posts already.

Follow the guidelines for you chosen site including writing style and length of the guest post.

Make sure that you don’t pad out the post just to meet a word count – this should be amongst your best work, not some run of the mill stuff, as its showcase you.

The double check your proposed guests post for spelling and grammar before sending it off and waiting.

In the latest webmaster help video, Google's Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts  Answering Questions to how can I guest blog without it appearing as if I paid for links?

Here is the video for you all to watch: 


Follow these basic Guest Blogging Tips to boost traffic into your website or blog. I have written this short article with my own experience. 

John Kuliko is a Search Engine Optimization Expert for Kuliko Canada. For more information on his seo services and web development services, go to the main website at http://www.kuliko.ca. Follow us on @JohnKuliko and on Google Plus at https://plus.google.com/111510151647324850887

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